Smart Phone App Available for Missing Children Emergencies

When a child goes missing, your ability to act fast can often help reduce the extent of damage or injury. The sooner the authorities are notified and have a detailed description, the better the chances of a safe return.

Recently, the FBI has developed and released a new smartphone app to assist parents in their efforts to get the word out fast when a child goes missing. This critical app stores photos and vital description details that can be emailed to authorities-or displayed on the phone instantly. (This free app is currently for iPhone only, and can be downloaded in the iTunes App Store.)

If you don’t have a smart phone, you can contact local law enforcement and ask about a Child ID kit which is similar to the Child ID app. It also stores photos, important details and even fingerprints to help locate a missing child.

Some additional tips:

• Keep your data up-to-date. Children grow up fast. Be sure to constantly refresh photos and profile details. You want to make sure that the authorities have the most accurate information on-hand when needed.

• There is NO waiting period. You may have heard that you need to wait 24 to 48 hours before reporting a missing child. This is not true. There’s no taking chances when it comes to the safety of children. So if you meet resistance, go up the chain of command.

•For more information, contact your local police station or the FBI at

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